The teamE4E Blog

Understanding Health from a Stoic Perspective: The Role of Well-Being in Virtue and Wisdom

Exploring health through the lens of Stoicism, this article delves into how health is viewed as a preferred indifferent, aiding in the pursuit of virtue and wisdom. It emphasizes a balanced approach, considering health neither an ultimate goal nor a neglectable aspect, but a means to live virtuously.

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Health, Wellness John Harris Health, Wellness John Harris

Embracing the Age of 60: Strategies for Health, Wellness, and Fitness

Remember, age is just a number. It's your spirit, energy, and determination that truly define you. The journey into your 60s and beyond can be a fulfilling, joyful, and healthy one if you choose to make it so. With the right mindset and lifestyle choices, you can embrace the age of 60, cherishing each day as a new opportunity to live well. Encourage your friends, family, and loved ones to do the same, and let's redefine what it means to age gracefully together.

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Busting 10 Common Health and Wellness Myths

Discover the truth behind 10 common health and wellness myths! As a NASM-certified nutrition coach and certified triathlon coach in Tampa, Florida, I debunk myths like 'fat makes you fat' and 'carbs are bad.' Learn evidence-based tips to achieve your fitness goals and embrace a balanced lifestyle. Contact me for personalized coaching!" #HealthMyths #WellnessTips #FitnessCoach

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Health John Harris Health John Harris

Sensitivity and the Modern Guy

Upon some reflection, a prominent characteristic of mine springs to mind: I am rather sensitive. Sensitivity, in my context, is not a stereotypical nod to notions like daily red wine sipping, indulging in manicures, or shedding tears during sentimental films – although I concede that “Parenthood”, “Big Fish”, “She’s Having a Baby”, and “Toy Story 3” tend to tug at my heartstrings. Instead, my sensitivity implies a heart-on-the-sleeve honesty and transparency that, for better or worse, is wholly me. Those who have had the pleasure, or perhaps misfortune, of personal encounters can vouch for this emotional candor.

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Wellness, Health John Harris Wellness, Health John Harris

Some Thoughts on Love

When it comes to human experiences, love remains one of the most potent, multifaceted, and profoundly influential. But what is 'real' love? Is it the passionate, all-consuming connection often portrayed in films, or is it something quieter, deeper, more enduring? In reality, real love encompasses a spectrum of feelings, commitments, and experiences that far exceed our cultural stereotypes.

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Nutrition, Wellness, Health John Harris Nutrition, Wellness, Health John Harris

Unveiling Intermittent Fasting: A Deep Dive into its Pros, Cons, and Effects on Body, Weight Loss, and Mental Health

Discover the world of Intermittent Fasting (IF) - a dietary pattern focusing not on what you eat, but when you eat. IF offers potential benefits including weight loss, improved insulin sensitivity, and mental health boosts. But it's not without drawbacks, such as initial hunger, potential for overeating, and social challenges. Individual health status and lifestyle should inform your decision to try IF. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting. Dive deeper into this compelling health trend with our comprehensive guide.

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